Andrea's Weblog
Sunday, 16. June 2002
Waited till Sunday

Well it's officially the end of week one/ beginning of week two! As usual, I'm finishing my assignment not too long before it's due. I don't plan on making this a habit! I only have one more assignment to do after this, so I'm not in horrible shape. I jumped on all the other assignments and had them finished well before the middle of this week! I hope I can continue working like that, but I kind of doubt it. I waited so long to do my blog because I was nervous about trying to showcase my creativity (or lack there of). Plus, the whole content, process, premise that we all know and love can still mix me up sometimes. Well I guess it's time to get them sorted out.

Process, COME ON DOWN!! Sorry, I've been watching The Price is Right quite a bit this week! Ok, the processes I used to complete my assignments were pretty typical of me and my work habits. When I am assigned a group of assignments like the ones for this class, I pick out the ones that I find easiest and complete them first, and usually quite quickly. I put off the more difficult and more time consuming assignments (which doesn't make much sense, I know). I feel a sort of accomplishment for getting the "easy" assignments finished so quickly, but then the worry sets in when I remember that I'm not in the clear yet. So, then I'm left sitting here on a beautiful Sunday afternoon finishing the one assignment that has to be in by midnight tonight! I need to seriously rethink part of my processes! Anyway, I always seem to get it finished on time and I vow that next time I will do things differently. So, we'll see what I'm doing next Sunday afternoon! I'm listening to Rascal Flatts as I'm writing this, and as their song says, "I'm movin on." Movin on to another topic.

The content of this week's assignments was pretty easy for the most part, but I know not to expect this in all of the coming weeks! Assignments like joining the yahoo groups and sending emails weren't tasks that required me to do much thinking. However, I realize that I'd better get my brain warmed up because it may have to think like it's never thought before! It's already a little frazzled by the math class I'm taking along with this class. I just had it my freshman year, but somehow I've managed to forget a lot! Using the MOO connection is something totally new to me, and very interesting. I did realize just from our informational meeting this past Tuesday that I can't have the TV on during "class"! It's just too tempting to have A Dating Story on while I'm trying to participate in class. I found myself checking up on the couples when there was a lull in conversation! I guess since I'm not exactly having a dating boom right now I have to live vicariously through the people on TLC! Yes, I'm also a Trading Spaces fan! Anyway, the MOO connection is going to provide a little bit of a challenge for me, but I'm interested in learning using this new outlet! I think this class is going to be a very new, interesting experience, and believe me if there's anything I need in my life right now it's something new and interesting!

Wow! This actually wasn't as hard as I thought! Of course what I consider reflection on my assignments may be the ramblings of a lunatic to my classmates and teacher! I'll try to keep the tangents to a minimum, unless you get me started on NSYNC! Haha! Well I hope this first entry is satisfactory and a good start for my blog! I hope as this class progresses, that I will become a more disciplined student, a deeper thinker, and a better writer. Lord knows if any classes can make you a better writer and a deeper thinker it's the classes that Mrs. McComas teaches! Anyway, I'm going to wrap things up and go enjoy this beautiful day! I made a deal with myself that when I finished this I could go to the store and buy the new issue of People Weekly with the 50 Hottest Bachelors!! Yes, Justin Timberlake is one of the 50 because he's totally single!! I knew it was just a matter of time until he realized his true feelings for me and got rid of ole what's her face, Britney! Sorry, another tangent! Ok I'm outta here!

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June 2002
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