Andrea's Weblog |
Saturday, 22. June 2002
ACK! I'm doing this for the second time!
I just wrote my entire entry, then went to save it and it messed up and made me login again! What's up with that?!?! Ok, luckily I have a pretty good memory so I can come up with a pretty good rendition of what I had before! I'm doing this entry late Friday/ early Saturday. At least it's before Sunday which I said I would try to do. I'm doing my blog sooner, but I didn't finish as many assignments as I would have liked. This week's assignments included subscribing and unsubscribing from a mailing list, reading about email and the web, finding people, and writing about personal histories and values. Some assignments were simple while some were a little more involved. I finished the quick, easy assignments first as usual, then moved on to ones that would take a little more time. Subscribing and unsubscribing to the mailing list was cake, and didn't really show me anything extremely new. The email assignment did, however. I thought I knew pretty much all there was to know about email, but I was wrong! The one thing out of everything I learned that I found the most interesting was about deleted emails. You think once you delete and email it's gone, right? Wrong! It actually may not be permanently deleted. Some places archive deleted emails for periods of time, and not only are they archived, but they can be used to subpoena you if you're being sued! How wild is that? It's probably safer just to keep any emails that you don't want used against you later, or don't write it in an email! To be honest, those were the only assignments I finished this week. So I have my work cut out for me next week. I'm looking forward to doing the Finding People assignment because I do that all the time. It's fun to look up people online, just to see what I can find! I'll write more about this in my assignment because it's kind of a funny story! Anyway, I also think the Personal History and Values assignments will be interesting. I'll get crackin on those ASAP! I thought that our class meeting in the MOO was very interesting this week. Our group discussion was about the knowledge of the general public concerning communication disorders and our profession, as well as the media's portrayal of them. All the groups brought up really interesting points, that I had never really given much thought to. Before becoming a CD major, I was part of the general public and I thought that a speech therapist just held up flash cards, had kids name pictures, and say sounds. What's interesting is that I'd observed speech therapy before because my youngest sister has been in speech therapy since she was just 3. I guess I never gave much thought to what went on before and after the sessions, as well as everything that goes on within a session! I've been very surprised, in the past three years that I've been enrolled in this program, to find out what really happens! Now when I observe my sister's therapy, I see so much more going on than your average Joe would see. You're saying, "Well I should hope so!" I like it how our group discussions in the MOO give us the chance to bring so many different things to the table. Each of us knows bits and pieces and we bring it all together to form thoughts, theories, and to find answers. That's really cool! Well I'm finished with this entry (FOR THE SECOND TIME!) If it messes up again, I'll just scream! Oh, wait, I know, I'll email this thing to myself BEFORE I click save!! I'm so brilliant it's scary! If I would have done that the first time around, things would have been much easier! Who wants to take the easy way though?! Ok, well that's all for this week! Actually not really cause I'll have to post those Personal History and Values assignments! Anyway, see you next time, SAME BLOG TIME, SAME BLOG CHANNEL!! Ha ha, I'm a dork! ... Link |
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