Andrea's Weblog
Tuesday, 16. July 2002
Inquiry and Literacy

Something that was said in this article stuck out to me, the author stated that, "in the act of writing, we make knowledge." My prompt is simply "How?"

This statement really rang true for me when I read the article, and it definitely applies to this class. Everything that we do, we write about it. In all of the numerous reflections we've done we explain what we did, why we did it, and how we did it. Also in our reading journals, sometimes when I asked a question I would write about it and eventually come up with the answer. I feel that by taking all the thoughts and feelings in our heads and putting it into words, we learn. We take something that we know in our minds, but by putting it down on paper or in text, we explain it to someone else in a way. Which brings me to another point; the best way to learn something is to teach it to someone else. It also talked in this article about the students teaching students. I feel that is sometimes the best way to learn because if you know something and can teach it to someone, then you really know your stuff. We make knowledge by writing, sometimes writing nonstop until we understand. We can also solidify our knowledge and understanding by teaching others. Both, I feel, are important and successful learning tools.

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July 2002
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