Andrea's Weblog |
Monday, 22. July 2002
Genre 4
This is a newspaper column about health issues. The guest editor this week is Mary Lou, a 45 year old woman whose father is in the middle stages of Alzheimer's. Activities Needed for Dementia Patients My family and I just moved to this town from Chicago. There's me, my husband, our two sons, and my elderly father, Bill. He is in the middle stages of Alzheimer's disease, and while he is still functional, he is also dependent on us in many ways. It is sometimes quite stressful taking care of him, and dealing with his disease. We all pitch in and help, but as would be expected, most of the responsibility rests on my shoulders. I love my father dearly, but there are times that I need to get away or get things done for myself. In Chicago, there was a place where I could take my father where he could socialize and interact with people who are also in his same situation. People with different dementias would spend a couple hours at a time at this elderly center, supervised by professionals and volunteers. They could talk, play games, make things, watch tv, etc with other people who suffer from dementias. After moving here, I see there is no such place in this area. For me, this place was an enormous help to me and my father. He enjoyed himself, and I was able to get things done around the house, run errands, and just relax for a while. This isn't a place to just "dump" your elderly loved ones, but a place of refuge for them. Here, they don't have a disease or problem, everyone is just like them. I feel very strongly about place such as these, and I encourage anyone who has friends or loved ones suffering from dementia to contact the appropriate authorities and try to get a place started. I intend on trying to get a center established here where my dad and other dementia patients will feel loved, cared for, safe, and maybe happy if only for a while. ... Link
Genre 3
This is an interview done with a 67 year old man named Bill. He is in the middle stages of Alzheimer's disease. C= clinician C: Hi Bill, how are you today? B: Hi, I'm ok. C: My name is Andrea, I am a speech therapist, and I just want to sit and chat with you, if that is ok. B: Sure C:Can you tell me your full name? B: William Frank Jones C: Ok, good. Now, can you tell me the name of your daughter who brought you here today? B: Um, I have a daughter, but I can't remember her name. She's out in the waiting room. C: Yes, I spoke to her eariler. Where do you live? Can you tell me your address? B: I live in a blue house on a long street beside a church. C: Do you know your house number or zip code? B: No. C: Ok, tell me how old you are? B: I'm 67, and I'll be 68 in October. C: What day in October? B: Um, well, sometime in the middle. C: Ok, good. Now, tell me about your job, where did you work before you retired? B: I worked in the coal mines for 50 years. I worked my way up from $30 a month starting out to $30 an hour when I retired. I used to get up for work at 4AM every morning, and my late wife, Linda, would have breakfast ready and a sack lunch packed for me. She always made the best lunches. Every day she would pack me a bologna sandwich with cheese and mustard, crackers, carrots, and a piece of homemade dessert. C: Wow, sound like you had a very caring wife. When did she pass away? B: I don't know. A few years ago maybe. C: Well I'm sorry to hear that. Bill, can you tell me what you ate for breakfast this morning? B: Um, I think I had, no, I'm not sure. My daughter fixed it so you could ask her. C: Ok. To be continued.....
... Link |
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