Andrea's Weblog |
Monday, 22. July 2002
Genre 3
This is an interview done with a 67 year old man named Bill. He is in the middle stages of Alzheimer's disease. C= clinician C: Hi Bill, how are you today? B: Hi, I'm ok. C: My name is Andrea, I am a speech therapist, and I just want to sit and chat with you, if that is ok. B: Sure C:Can you tell me your full name? B: William Frank Jones C: Ok, good. Now, can you tell me the name of your daughter who brought you here today? B: Um, I have a daughter, but I can't remember her name. She's out in the waiting room. C: Yes, I spoke to her eariler. Where do you live? Can you tell me your address? B: I live in a blue house on a long street beside a church. C: Do you know your house number or zip code? B: No. C: Ok, tell me how old you are? B: I'm 67, and I'll be 68 in October. C: What day in October? B: Um, well, sometime in the middle. C: Ok, good. Now, tell me about your job, where did you work before you retired? B: I worked in the coal mines for 50 years. I worked my way up from $30 a month starting out to $30 an hour when I retired. I used to get up for work at 4AM every morning, and my late wife, Linda, would have breakfast ready and a sack lunch packed for me. She always made the best lunches. Every day she would pack me a bologna sandwich with cheese and mustard, crackers, carrots, and a piece of homemade dessert. C: Wow, sound like you had a very caring wife. When did she pass away? B: I don't know. A few years ago maybe. C: Well I'm sorry to hear that. Bill, can you tell me what you ate for breakfast this morning? B: Um, I think I had, no, I'm not sure. My daughter fixed it so you could ask her. C: Ok. To be continued.....
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