Andrea's Weblog |
Saturday, 3. August 2002
8 Down, 2 to Go!!
We're coming down the home stretch! Week 8 is down, but not out cause I haven't finished all my work! I had a revelation tonight! For the past few weeks I've pondered and worried about how I was going to tie everything together in the end, but I think I've got it all figured out now! You'll have to stay tuned to see it all unfold!! Ha ha, it sounds like a soap opera! This week was pretty good. Emily and I went to the library Tuesday because we both can't be online here at the house. It was good to see some familiar faces there...Laura, Frances, and Jennifer. I'll admit I laughed hysterically for about 5 minutes straight when Matt flubbed up on the MOO and "whispered" his comment to everyone in our room! I wasn't laughing at him, I was laughing with him, I just hope he was laughing! The teachers in our group were ok, but not all were really on task. One woman just kept emoting, and not actually saying anything. Then there was the woman "hitting" people with newspapers, and telling them they were "Bad, bad, bad!" Anyway, it was interesting. I'd better get to bed. Emily volunteered me to help paint a house tomorrow beginning at 8AM!! Isn't she a sweetheart?!?! You want to know what she said to hook me? "They're going to have doughnuts!" All I have to say is they had better be Krispy Kreme, and they had better be GOOD!! Until next week...I'm out!
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