Andrea's Weblog
Friday, 9. August 2002
Crunch time!

Another week has just flown by! It seems like only yesterday that we were enjoying a nice lunch at the Hall of Fame Café! I really enjoyed seeing everyone on Tuesday, and was happy that everyone was still hanging on here near the end of this class. I’ve been doing a lot of work on my genres since Tuesday and some of them are finished (unless I go back and tweak a few things after everything else is done). While I was doing all this work on my blog I neglected the Week 9 Assignments that I had yet to complete! So, I will be working hard to get my references and reflection done.

Emily and I only have one more week living together! Sorry that we never got to have you all over for a party, but maybe we’ll have time for that this coming semester (RIIIIIGHT)! I have the feeling that the only times we’ll be seeing each other is in class! The Gym Factory is no longer an option for stress relief parties, but IT WASN’T MY FAULT!! I can’t wait to get this project finished and have a week off. I’m not going to Florida or anything like Emily, but it will be nice to have nothing to do. Nothing to do except get ready to come back to school! Actually I am looking forward to coming back to school, but not starting classes again! Sometimes classes become those annoying times between naps, and school interferes with my social life! Ha ha, I’m just kidding! I’m pretty excited to see what this semester’s classes have in store for us. I feel kind of bad for our poor classmates that are taking CD 315 in the fall! I have had a hard enough time being very disciplined and getting all my work finished this summer, and I’ve had nothing else to do. Combine this class with all our other classes and that could cause some people to have a meltdown!

I’m hoping for a good grade on my project, and in this class. I feel so unsure about my work though. This is all new to me, to all of us, and I just don’t know if I’ve done things “right”. Sometimes I look at all the different pieces of my project and think, “WHAT A MESS”! After my little revelation I can see how things will hopefully come together, but that point is still on the other side of the mountain! My revelation was the peak, now I just have to get down the other side, but unlike a mountain things aren’t all downhill from here! Just a few more days and we’ll all reach the finish line!! YAY!!

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