Andrea's Weblog
Thursday, 15. August 2002
Bye, bye, bye to summer school!

I DID IT!! I made it through 10 weeks of summer school! I completed 3 classes this summer and have made A’s in 2/3 of my classes. The verdict is still out on this one! Hopefully I’ll be 3 for 3! I have a real sense of accomplishment and pride because of everything I’ve done this summer. I’d like to take this opportunity to compliment myself…

Dear me,
Well, this is it, 10 weeks behind you! Look at everything you’ve done in the past 10 weeks. You lived in 2 different places with 2 different roommates, completed 3 classes, and learned a billion lessons about everything from computers, research, and Alzheimer’s, to people, friends, money, love, and life. Most importantly I think you’ve learned a few things about yourself. It’s been a roller coaster summer. The project you did for CD 315 is great! I can’t believe you just came up with all that stuff from nothing. You deserve a pat on the back because you did a fantastic job! I know you aren't going on a beach vacation or anything next week, but you get a week off with no homework, no classes, and hopefully a minimal amount of stress. Enjoy it, you earned it! Get rested up because this coming semester is going to be a toughie! You’re a senior!! Can you believe it?! That’s crazy! It seems like last week you were in CD 101. Anyway you did great this summer! Major props to you for all your hard work!!

~Tips for future CD 315 students~

1. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today!

2. Work a little on your assignments every day.

3. Think about the big picture from the start. There’s nothing worse than figuring out 7 weeks into the process that you don’t really know where your project is going!

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and take any and all advice that you’re given. Your classmates are a valuable resource!

5. Print off copies of the assignments, and save your assignments either in your email or on a disk.

6. Start a tradition (like karaoke on Tuesday nights)!! Your classmates and even your professor will enjoy coming out to see you make a fool of yourself week after week!

7. Pray!

8. Take pride in your work and don't get too stressed out because it's usually not as bad as you think it is!

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