Andrea's Weblog
Saturday, 29. June 2002
Time flies whether you're having fun or not!

This week has flown by! Where did all the time go?! I was so proud of myself because I've actually gotten a lot of things accomplished this week. The bad part is, they didn't have anything to do with this class! I got some of my assignments finished, and I still have to finish the ones due Sunday! I thought I would get this one done first. I'm not so sure about this webliography! Well, with some work and a little luck I'm sure I'll figure it out!

I subscribed to a professional mailing list about Alzheimers disease. It must be one of the "high volume" lists that Mrs. McComas referred to in her tips on this assignment because I've been getting 10-20 emails from them PER DAY!! Things were getting so crazy with all the email coming into my account that I decided to open a new email account! I'm going to use one for this class and then the other will be my new personal one! I haven't had a chance to read all the emails from the list, but I'm a little worried that they won't have much about speech and language in them (I could be wrong of course!)

Searching for my last name was pretty interesting. There were so many different people and businesses with my name, and I never even knew it! I mean of course I didn't think I was the ONLY one with my last name, but I didn't know that there were many people with my last name in so many different states. I found people anywhere from opera singers to congressmen with my last name! I didn't find any other Andrea's, but I'm sure there's probably at least one. Who knows what's out there!! Ok, well I'm done for this week's entry. Three weeks down, seven to go! I'm outta here!

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