Andrea's Weblog
Saturday, 13. July 2002
Just Do It

As I checked the new list of assignments at the beginning of this week, pure panic swept over me at seeing that they were all due at the end of the week. I hadn't even finished Week 4 yet!! So, I had one week to do a week and a half's work. It didn't matter at first that this week's assignments weren't extremely difficult or time consuming, I just saw those dates and freaked out! I knew I was going to have to get my butt in gear, sit down at my computer and JUST DO IT! Well by Wednesday I think I had finished Week 4, and I hadn't JUST DONE IT for Week 5 yet. I knew I had all of Thursday and Friday to do this week's assignments (I am going away for the weekend). Well I did a couple assignments Thursday and then it came down to today. Today, I found myself writing my poem in the waiting room of the Family Medicine part of Cabell Huntington Hospital. I hadn't been feeling good for the past few days so I decided I had better see a doc before the weekend. Amazingly enough I finished my poem before they called me back (that could have been due to the fact that I waited for over and hour), but the important thing was that I was finished with it and only had my journal left to do. So here I am. By the way, I found out at the doctor's office that I have strep throat (I guess it wasn't all that karaoke that made my throat sore)! This week's assignments were relatively easy and once I just sat down and did them, it was really a relief. Ok, so I'm no longer behind and hopefully I will stay that way for the remainder of this class. I need to prepare myself for the next 5 weeks because my mind will be stretched, my time will be spent, my patience will be tried as I continue to put together this project. With a little rest (now that my 8AM M-F Math class is over, more rest can be seen in my near future), and a lot of hard work I think I can whip this thing into shape! As Spongebob would say, "I'm ready, I'm ready!"

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